"For true watermen there is almost no amount of danger that will stop us wanting to get our toes wet! To be honest sometimes it’s quite frustrating because usually the place we most want to be when surfing or diving is the area we would consider most likely to have a hungry shark lurking."
Over the years Julian has had a few encounters where he may as well have proven Shark Eyes himself! The first time was in NZ, he was lying on the bottom of the ocean spearfishing but had not made a kill yet, he turned to look over his shoulder, there was a large Bronze Whaler Shark, it had snuck up behind him only about 2 meters away. The moment they made eye contact the shark turned and fled at high speed as if it got a fright.
He has had the same thing happen several times with bull sharks around Queensland and once with a White Shark near Port Lincoln, SA. These encounters are times where there has been no blood in the water. Things are usually much different when they are feeding!
“I often come across sharks when diving, considering all the Shark Deterrents out there I would personally be most confident with Shark Eyes” “A few days ago Instead of swimming down and biting the shark below me on the face, I took a moment to stop and ask him about what he thinks about the new 'Shark Eyes idea. He said, He doesn't like it. He said he loves eating human, but its just weird having someone look you in the eye while you’r trying to eat them.”